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the best opportunity for success in faith

“I am because of who we are”

When our students help others, they discover gratitude, empathy and become women of substance.

St Margaret Mary’s College students are offered two key avenues for service – College Ministry and community outreach.

By creating opportunities for our students to support causes that mean something to them and their peers, our students experience social responsibility, practice leadership and engage with the community around them, showing love and compassion.

This aligns with our school mission: St Margaret Mary’s College is a Catholic learning community where young women are educated, inspired and inspirited. True to the story of the Good Samaritan, we are people of hope, who live compassionately and justly. We respond to the call from Jesus to be a neighbour to all.  “Who is my neighbour? The one who showed mercy. Go and do likewise.” (Lk 10:36-37) Christus Veritas

While our mission is embedded into daily life at the College, we also offer students clear avenues to practice service.

College Ministry

College Ministry is a service group within the College, dedicated to creating opportunities for student engagement in service activities. It is comprised of a team of senior students and our staff College minister. Across the College, students get the chance to participate in a range of activities that foster community building, while at the same time doing something constructive for others.

The College Ministry team also participates in liturgy, leading College celebrations for special occasions such as Easter, Feast Day and Christmas.

College Ministry plays an integral role in the life of the College. It allows students to shine through leadership and through service – it provides a constant invitation to act justly and compassionately.

Learn more about College Ministry here.

Community outreach

Every class at St Margaret Mary’s College is encouraged to take on a project which would promote a sense of community responsibility. The activities vary from year to year, and have included:

  • packing birthing kits for ZONTA service club
  • supporting Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea
  • organising Mother's Day care packs for women at Ronald McDonald House
  • organising lunchtime activities for students in a particular year level

Throughout the year, fundraising at the College centres around four main charities: Project Compassion, Diocesan Appeal, Catholic Mission and St Vincent de Paul Society.

College Vinnies

St Margaret Mary’s College has had an active involvement in the work of St Vincent de Paul Society since 1995 and over the years many students have generously given their time and energy to providing assistance to people in need.

Involvement in our College Vinnies group has benefits not only for the community but also for the students as they learn more about living the values of commitment, selfless giving, co-operation and patience. St Margaret Mary’s College students are given the opportunity to participate in, and often organise and lead, fundraising activities, visits to a local nursing home and, for senior students, assistance at Edmund Rice Camps.

Young Christian Students

St Margaret Mary’s College has had an active YCS group (Young Christian Students) since 2008. This is an international movement run for and by secondary school students, who meet regularly to reflect on their everyday experiences and look at how their faith calls them to act to change the world.

As members in St Margaret Mary’s College YCS, students learn everyday life skills that remain with them for the rest of their life. These include leadership skills as they run the group, public speaking, ability to communicate with adults, how to take action on issues in their life and most importantly, making friends.

Learn more about our community outreach program here.